CORC have developed the following videos to be used in training on the use questionnaire outcome measures used in CORC+ and CYP IAPT. They are not intended to present perfect practice but rather to stimulate discussion. How might you do it differently or better? The scenarios are based on real clinical examples although the young people are played by actors in the videos. Copyright is owned by CORC and the therapists jointly who all give permission for the videos to be used in non-commercial training and CPD events.
Introducing measures
- Introducing measures (example of Goals and RCADS with a young person with eating difficulties; introducing the measures, using the tools to find other information that might not have emerged from the clinical discussion and explaining what the measures are used for)
- Introducing measures and selecting symptom trackers (example of introducing Goals and RCADS and selecting symptom tracking measures with a young person with difficulties with mood)
Choosing measures
- Choosing a tracking measure (example with a young person with mood and sleep difficulties and self-harming)
Scoring/completing measures with young people
- Completing questionnaires with young people (example of RCADS and SDQ with a young person with mood and sleep difficulties and self-harming)
- Using measures to help focus the session (example of using the symptom trackers with a young person with anxiety difficulties)
- Scoring questionnaires with young people (example of RCADS and SDQ with a young person with mood and sleep difficulties and self-harming)
Discussing measures with young people and others
- Interpreting scores with young people (example of RCADS and SDQ with a young person with mood and sleep difficulties and self-harming)
Reviewing progress
- Reviewing goals, choosing symptom tracker measures and evaluating the session (example with a young person with anxiety difficulties)
- Reviewing progress using the questionnaires with young people (when things are going in the desired direction and when things are not changing as hoped: exploring factors)
- Evaluating change in progress over time and using this to inform the intervention (example of using the symptom trackers with a young person with anxiety difficulties)
- Reviewing therapy when symptom tracker scores fall below the clinical cut off (example of using the symptom trackers with a young person with anxiety difficulties)
- Using session feedback to identify areas for improvement (example of the session feedback questionnaire)
- Using session feedback to implement and evaluate changes in approach (example of the session feedback questionnaire)