In collaboration with the Evidence Based Practice Unit, we offer Wellbeing Measurement for Schools, a comprehensive approach that allows schools to understand areas of strength and challenge for their pupils and staff. The approach is suitable for primary and secondary schools, with age-appropriate surveys for children from Year 5 to Year 11 as well as a survey for staff. 

The Wellbeing Measurement for Schools approach:

As well as being a service offer to schools, this approach is part of a research project overseen by UCL. The research will develop understanding of the relationship between contextual factors and wellbeing and will enable the needs within populations and communities to be better understood and support more effectively planned. Findings will be published and shared with participating schools.

How do we measure pupil wellbeing?

Our online Wellbeing Measurement Survey consists of a set of validated measures assessing your pupils:

  • Mental health and wellbeing (emotional difficulties, behavioural difficulties)

  • Emotional strengths and skills (life satisfaction, empathy, self-esteem, problem solving, goal setting, participation in home and school, participation in community)

  • Support networks (peer support, school support, family support, wider support)

The survey takes 15 - 20 minutes. Pupils are free to skip questions that they do not want to answer. We follow an opt-out consent process. If parents and carers don't want their children to participate, they have to provide opt-out consent to your school. 

Click here to see pupil survey

We also have a great case study that tells you more about how to get a good response rate from your pupils when using surveys to measure wellbeing in schools:

Read the case study here

How do we measure staff wellbeing?

The online staff survey uses validated tools to understand how staff are feeling. It asks questions about the ability and capacity of staff to support the children and young people in the school and explores aspects of school culture which may be affecting staff wellbeing. 

Your school report enables you to compare your staff team with others, helping you to better understand your team and identify strengths and challenges. The report is clear and easy to understand, ready to be shared with governors and staff. 

The staff survey can be completed alongside the pupil survey or on its own. 

For further information:

Download our staff survey brochure

What do schools need to do to implement WMfS?

The Steps for Schools page takes you through each stage of the process for both the pupil survey and the staff survey, explaining what needs to be done and providing links to useful resources.

Steps for Schools

Using your results

Wellbeing Measurement Pupil Report

New for 2022-23: The report has been updated to compare your school's responses with the responses of over 1000 pupils (per year group) who completed the survey between June 2021 and June 2022

Your Wellbeing Measurement Pupil Report analyses the data from your school and compares it with data from other schools. The report provides a useful starting point for discussions about the wellbeing and experiences of pupils in your school.

It helps you to:

  • Consider areas of strength and helping pupils reflect on their positive qualities

  • Evaluate progress against targets in your School Improvement Plan and identify future opportunities

  • Understand context when considering academic data for the selected year group(s).

You'll also be invited to attend the online 'Understanding and Using Your Pupil Report' webinar to help you better understand the survey results and consider how they might best be used.  

Click here to see an example of a Pupil Report

Wellbeing Measurement Staff Report

New for 2022-23: The report has been updated to compare your school's responses with the responses of over 6000 staff (from more than 130 schools) who completed the survey in the 2021-22 academic year

Your Wellbeing Measurement Staff Report shows how staff may be feeling and how this compares with staff in other schools.

It helps you to: 

  • Identify priorities for staff training

  • Understand how work may be affecting staff wellbeing 

  • Identify how best to support your staff team

You'll also be invited to attend the online 'Understanding and Using Your Staff Report' webinar to help you better understand the survey results and consider how they might best be used.  

Click here to see sample pages from the Staff Report

How much does it cost?

Pupil Survey

The cost for the Wellbeing Measurement Pupil Survey is £300 (+ VAT) per year group for Year Groups 5 to 6, and £400 (+ VAT) per year group for Year Groups 7 to 11. This is per year group regardless of size or school setting, and includes the Wellbeing Measurement Pupil Report, which will evaluate and summarise data per year group.

Staff Survey

The Wellbeing Measurement Staff Survey costs £300 (+ VAT) for primary schools, £400 (+ VAT) for secondary schools and £400 (+ VAT) for all-through schools. There is no limit to the number of staff who can be included in the survey. The staff survey can be completed alongside the pupil survey or on its own.


What have schools told us about the programme?


How do we get started?

To register for Wellbeing Measurement for Schools, click on the link below:

Register now

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